Associations of railroad equipment manufactuers

1. Introduction

Here you can find (European) associations that represent manufacturers of railroad equipment.

2. International associations

  1. International Association of Rolling Stock Builders
    Association Internationale des Constructeurs de Matériel Roulant (AICMR)
    Address: 12 rue Bixiom, 75007 Paris, France
    Tel: (1) 4705 3662
    Fax: (33-1) 4705 2917
    Description: AICMR was founded in 1930 and represents rolling stock builders in (Western) Europe at international level. The object of the association is to defend the collective interests of its members, and rail transport in general, with regard to international organisations. The main activity is assembly and circulation of information along members with a view to promoting railways.

3. European associations

  1. Association of European Railway Component Manufacturers
    Association des Fabricants Européens d'Equipements Ferroviaries (AFEDEF)
    Address: 12 rue Bixiom, 75007 Paris, France
    Tel: (1) 4705 3662
    Fax: (33-1) 4705 2917
    Description: AFEDEF was founded in 1979 and represents associations of railway component manufacturers in (Western) Europe. The object of the association is to defend the collective interests of its members, and rail transport in general, with regard to international organisations. The main activity is assembly and circulation of information along members with a view to promoting railways.

  2. European Diesel and Electric Locomotive Manufacturers' Association
    Constructeurs Européens de Locomotives Thermiques et Electriques (CELTE)
    Address: 12 rue Bixiom, 75007 Paris, France
    Tel: (1) 4705 3662
    Fax: (33-1) 4705 2917
    Description: CELTE was founded in 1953 and represents locomotive and internal combustion engine manufacturers in (Western) Europe. The object of the association is to defend the collective interests of its members, and rail transport in general, with regard to international organisations. The main activity is assembly and circulation of information along members with a view to promoting railways.

  3. Union of European Railway Industries
    Union des Industries Ferroviaries Européens (UNIFE)
    Address: 12 rue Bixiom, 75007 Paris, France
    Tel: (1) 4705 3662
    Fax: (33-1) 4705 2917
    Description: UNIFE was founded in 1975 by AICMR and CELTE as an umbrella organisation of all associations of builders connected with railways. The object of the association is to defend the collective interests of its members, and rail transport in general, with regard to international organisations. The main activity is assembly and circulation of information along members with a view to promoting railways.

4. National associations

  1. German Locomotive Industry Association
    Verband der Deutschen Lokomotivindustrie
    Address: Lyonerstrasse 16, 6000 Frankfurt (Main) 71, Germany
    Tel: (069) 6666 741
    Fax: (069) 6701 018

  2. Railway Rolling Stock Industry Association
    Verband der Waggonindustrie eV
    Address: Lindenstrasse 30, 6000 Frankfurt (Main), Germany Tel: (069) 72 72 44
    Fax: (069) 72 72 44

  3. Association of Wagon Builders and Repairers
    Address: 26 Mayfield, Rowledge, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4DZ
    Tel: (025) 125 4358

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The last update of this page took place on the 21th of August 1997 by M.J.W. Janssen