The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/be/station/Halle

Last update: Sat Nov 15 22:04:33 CET 2014
Pictures on this page: 3


Halle_1.jpg (56417 bytes)

Station of Halle (North End), seen looking towards Mons, Tournai and France.

It is served by 5 slow tracks. The faster tracks (LGV1 to Esplechin, on the French border) are located further left, and are mostly covered at this stage.

Halle (Hal)

5th February 2005.

P.L.Guillemin (

Halle_2.jpg (52007 bytes)

Station forecourt of Halle (South End), seen looking towards Brussels.

All tracks, whether fast or slow are covered at this stage, right underneath.

Halle (Hal)

5th February 2005.

P.L.Guillemin (

bfhalle_bk1102230242.jpg (148247 bytes)

Bahnhof Halle

Bahnsteige und Gleise des Bahnhofs Halle, aufgenommen am 23. Februar 2011 von der Fußgängerbrücke aus. Bei diesem kurzen Aufenthalt hat es leider dauernd geregnet.

Photo: Bernd Kittendorf (
