SNCF Corail B9 1/2tu inscriptions

Detail on the inscriptions of SNCF Corail B9 1/2tu BSI "Sièges Inclinables" 50 87 29-77 329-3."MS" (Mise en service ; in operation) marks the date of delivery and the constructor.So the carriage was delivered on 29/11/1977 by Franco-Belge."RG4" (Révision générale 4) marks the last revision of the coach , here 22/10/2002."Paint ext." marks the date on which the carriage was painted for the last time and the color code , here it was painted in October 2002 in white with the color codes 806 and 808 respectively.Hopefully this car will also receive the "Corail Lunéa" livery , but since this is not a "real" night carriage this might not come true ..

Antibes , 27/07/2005.

Photo by : Denis Verheyden Visit HGBTF for train discutions.