France-Charente Maritime : Le Train des Mouettes/Saujon-La Tremblade ex-Train de la Seudre.
Operated from July 2004 by Connex Tradition, this museum train brings passengers for 21km through the landscapes of Marennes Oléron. Trains are composed with renewed cars (from CFTA-Cargo workshops) and hauled by a seam loc Schneider 030 (french classification)
This old steam loc was not quite reliable in July 2004, and frequently replaced by a diesel shunter.

Here at La Tremblade, the steam loc just arrived from Saujon, but some troubles occured when fire felt into the cendar box.
The loc will be sided out of service, and replaced by the diesel shunter for its return way to Saujon.

23rd July 2004. Photo and scan Patrick Meunier/