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Directory: /pix/ne/India/electric/WAP1

Last update: Sun Nov 16 05:50:37 CET 2014
Pictures on this page: 3

WAP1 = Wide-gauge Alternating-current Passenger, first series

WAP1_22011+WAP7_30281_NDLS1.jpg (111180 bytes)

Indian Railways electric locomotives WAP1 22011 and WAP7 30281. New Delhi, 2013-01-03.

tobias b köhler

WAP1_22044_ASR1.jpg (160257 bytes)

Indian Railways electric locomotive WAP1 22044. The WAP1 was developed in 1980 by CLW, with a power of 2908 kW and a speed of 130 km/h. Flexicoil bogies with Hitachi traction motors. The WAP1 was derived from the WAM4 and then further developed into the WAP4, mechanically almost identical but with higher powered electrics and motors. Amritsar, 2012-12-29.

tobias b köhler

WAP1_22044_ASR2.jpg (140917 bytes)

Indian Railways electric locomotive WAP1 22044. The livery seems to be based on that of first generation Rajdhani trains. Amritsar, 2012-12-29.

tobias b köhler
