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Directory: /pix/new/03_mar27

Last update: Tue 23 Jul 16:23:12 BST 2024
Pictures on this page: 28 (0 + 28)


92_81_2016_087-6_G1.jpg (161501 bytes)

A-ÖBB 92 81 2016 087-6 (Siemens 2004). IC 313 Mur Graz - Budapest (locomotive to Szentgotthárd).

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

95_81_5022_025-8_G1.jpg (163662 bytes)

A-ÖBB 95 81 5022 025-8 (Siemens, series built 2003 to 2008), modernized. Train on the S3 line to Szentgotthárd, which belongs to S-Bahn Steiermark, but it is a unit branded for VOR (Verkehrsverbund Ostregion).

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

4020_306-9_Ht1.jpg (161836 bytes)

ÖBB 4020 306-9, S45 Wien Handelskai - Wien Hütteldorf, still in blue/white livery.

Wien Heiligenstadt, 2024-03-24.

tobias b köhler

6020_310-6_KenH1.jpg (160887 bytes)

ÖBB 6020 310-6, S40 Tulln - Wien FJB. These high floor units built 1978 to 1987 will soon be replaced.

Klosterneuburg-Kierling, 2024-03-24.

tobias b köhler

5063_003-5+4744_038-2_G1.jpg (162371 bytes)

95 81 5063 003-5 A-GKB (Stadler 2010) will go as S6 to Wies-Eibiswald. 94 81 4744 038-2 A-ÖBB (Siemens 2016) will go as S5 to Spielfeld-Strass.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

95_81_5063_003-5_G1.jpg (161747 bytes)

95 81 5063 003-5 A-GKB (Stadler 2010) arriving, S6 from Wies-Eibiswald.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

95_81_5063_009-2_G1.jpg (163401 bytes)

95 81 5063 009-2 A-GKB (Stadler 2010) departing, S6 to Wies-Eibiswald.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_81_4062_002-2_G1.jpg (163147 bytes)

94 81 4062 002-2 A-STBPV (Stadler 2010) now has a design in blue and white advertising for the S-Bahn Steiermark system. S11 (8789) Graz - Übelbach.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

50_1171_Ht1.jpg (161109 bytes)

Brenner & Brenner 50.1171, built 1942 by Škoda for DR, operated 1949 to 1972 by ÖBB, until 1994 GKB, then sold to Brenner & Brenner (A-BuB 93 81 0050 117-1). Currently not operational.

Wien Heiligenstadt, 2024-03-24.

tobias b köhler

50_1171_Ht2.jpg (163368 bytes)

Brenner & Brenner 50.1171, built 1942 by Škoda for DR, operated 1949 to 1972 by ÖBB, until 1994 GKB, then sold to Brenner & Brenner (A-BuB 93 81 0050 117-1). Currently not operational.

Wien Heiligenstadt, 2024-03-24.

tobias b köhler

Sofia_4148+4150_uP__1.jpg (121531 bytes)

Sofia T6A5 4148+4150 at stop "Dimitar Petkov". March 2024.

Photo by M.Koblischka

Sofia_4148_uP__1.jpg (123374 bytes)

Sofia T6A5 4148 at stop "Dimitar Petkov". March 2024.

Photo by M.Koblischka

Sofia_4173+4172_uP__1.jpg (123509 bytes)

Sofia T6A5 4173+4172 in ul. Pirotska. March 2024.

Photo by M.Koblischka

Sofia_4173+4172_uP__2.jpg (145430 bytes)

Sofia T6A5 4173+4172 in ul. Pirotska. March 2024.

Photo by M.Koblischka

Sofia_4188_DP__2.jpg (141098 bytes)

Sofia T6A5 4188 at stop "Dimitar Petkov". March 2024.

Photo by M.Koblischka

61_55_10-71_005-1_G1.jpg (161512 bytes)

H-START 61 55 10-71 005-1 Apmz (DWA Bautzen 1995), modernized.

IC 313 Mur Graz - Budapest.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

61_55_84-91_430-8_G1.jpg (160309 bytes)

H-START 61 55 84-91 430-8 Bbdpmz (Szolnoki Járműjavító 2019). The cars 410 to 444 have a different interior layout from the 400 to 409 built 2018.

IC 313 Mur Graz - Budapest.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

61_55_20-71_004-2_G1.jpg (158284 bytes)

H-START 61 55 20-71 004-2 Bpmz (DWA Bautzen 1994), modernized.

IC 313 Mur Graz - Budapest.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

61_55_20-71_007-5_G1.jpg (159515 bytes)

H-START 61 55 20-71 007-5 Bpmz (DWA Bautzen 1994), still in classic MÁV blue/grey.

IC 313 Mur Graz - Budapest.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

E6ACTa-012.jpg (147173 bytes)

Lotos Kolej E6ACTa-012 is passing Wroclaw Nadodrze, Poland, 16.03.2024.

Photo by Michal Kozicki (

91_79_1_363_026-0_Sd1.jpg (161687 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 91 79 1 363 026-0 (Alsthom 1976). This locomotive is waiting to bring a freight train to Slovenia.

Spielfeld-Strass, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

510-033+363-026_Sd1.jpg (157892 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 033-4 (Stadler 2021), MV 155 Graz - Ljubljana. SLO-SŽ 91 79 1 363 026-0 (Alsthom 1976).

Spielfeld-Strass, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_033-4_G1.jpg (155419 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 034-2 (Stadler 2021) arrived as MV 156 Ljubljana - Graz (first regular use of multi-system FLIRT on this line) and will depart in the other direction as MV 155 back to Ljubljana.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_033-4_G2.jpg (160011 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 033-4 (Stadler 2021) arrived as MV 156 Ljubljana - Graz (first regular use of multi-system FLIRT on this line) and will depart in the other direction as MV 155 back to Ljubljana.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_034-2_G1.jpg (160139 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 034-2 (Stadler 2021) arriving as MV 156 Ljubljana - Graz (first regular use of multi-system FLIRT on this line).

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_034-2_Sd1.jpg (158890 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 033-4 (Stadler 2021), MV 155 Graz - Ljubljana, leaving the station towards Slovenia after having changed over from the Austrian system, now with narrow DC pantograph raised.

Spielfeld-Strass, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_033-4_i1.jpg (162793 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 033-4 (Stadler 2021) interior of first class. The seats are almost the same as in second class but have a different fabric, tables and more leg room.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_034-2_i1.jpg (160375 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 033-4 (Stadler 2021) interior of second class. The seats aren't equipped with tables, but there are electric outlets for each group of two seats. Wi-fi didn't work yet on the Austrian section.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler
