The Picture Gallery
Directory: /pix/si/electric/emu/510

Last update: Wed Mar 27 00:24:35 CET 2024
Pictures on this page: 41



510-007_Koper.jpg (120269 bytes)

Slovenske Zeleznice (SZ); 510-007; Koper - 29.09.2021;

Photo by P. Zielinski

510-008_Divaca.jpg (125837 bytes)

Slovenske Zeleznice (SZ); 510-008 with an IC to Hodos; Divaca - 29.09.2021;

Photo by P. Zielinski

510-008_Koper.jpg (109011 bytes)

Slovenske Zeleznice (SZ); 510-008; Koper - 29.09.2021;

Photo by P. Zielinski

510-017_Jesenice.jpg (133742 bytes)

Slovenske Zeleznice (SZ); 510-017 with a regio train from Ljubljana; Jesenice - 28.09.2021;

Photo by P. Zielinski

510-018_Ljubljana.jpg (82031 bytes)

Slovenske Zeleznice (SZ); 510-018+007 with an IC Koper - Hodos; Ljubljana - 08.07.2021;

Photo by P. Zielinski

510-018_Ljubljana_2.jpg (84218 bytes)

Slovenske Zeleznice (SZ); 510-018+007 with an IC Koper - Hodos; Ljubljana - 08.07.2021;

Photo by P. Zielinski

510-020_Divaca.jpg (126733 bytes)

Slovenske Zeleznice (SZ); 510-020 with a regio train from Ljubljana; Divaca - 29.09.2021;

Photo by P. Zielinski

510-022_Ljublana.jpg (140257 bytes)

Slovenske Zeleznice (SZ); 510-022; Ljubljana - 28.09.2021;

Photo by P. Zielinski

510-033+363-026_Sd1.jpg (157892 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 033-4 (Stadler 2021), MV 155 Graz - Ljubljana. SLO-SŽ 91 79 1 363 026-0 (Alsthom 1976).

Spielfeld-Strass, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

510_004_near_railway_station_Zidani_Most_using_a_passenger_train_04_09_2022.jpg (124487 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 004 near railway station Zidani Most using a passenger train LP 2393 from Ljubljana to Dobova. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_009_at_railway_station_Maribor_using_a_passenger_train_05_09_2022.jpg (154350 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 009 at railway station Maribor using a passenger train LP 2271 to Dobova. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_011_at_railway_station_Maribor_using_a_passenger_train1_05_09_2022.jpg (160477 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 011 at railway station Maribor using a passenger train LP 2271 to Dobova. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_011_at_railway_station_Maribor_using_a_passenger_train_05_09_2022.jpg (142486 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 011 at railway station Maribor using a passenger train LP 2271 to Dobova. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_012_at_railway_station_Ljubljana___after_using_a_passenger_train_04_09_2022.jpg (113771 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 012 at railway station Ljubljana after using a passenger train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_012_at_railway_station_Maribor_using_a_passenger_train_05_09_2022.jpg (140391 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 012 at railway station Maribor using a passenger train LP 2275 to Dobova. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_012_at_railway_station_Zidani_Most_using_a_passenger_train_05_09_2022.jpg (102673 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 012 at railway station Zidani Most using a passenger train LP 2275 from Maribor to Dobova. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_021__at_railway_station_Ljubljana_using_a_passenger_train_04_09_2022.jpg (151573 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 021 at railway station Ljubljana , using a IC 509 to Coper via Divaca. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_021_at_railway_station_Ljubljana___after_using_a_passenger_train_04_09_2022.jpg (114140 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 021 at railway station Ljubljana after using a passenger train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_021_at_railway_station_Ljubljana_using_a_passenger_train_04_09_2022.jpg (134693 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 021 at railway station Ljubljana , using a IC 509 to Coper via Divaca. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_028__at_railway_station_Ljubljana_using_a_passenger_train_05_09_2022.jpg (162564 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 028 at railway station Ljubljana , using a LPV 1810 to Villa Opicina. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_033_at_railway_station_Zidani_Most_using_a_passenger_train_05_09_2022.jpg (161056 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 033 at railway station Zidani Most, using a LP 2010 from Ljubljana to Dobova. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

510_042_at_railway_station_Ljubljana_using_a_passenger_train_05_09_2022.jpg (160313 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 042 at railway station Ljubljana , using a LP 2426 to Jesenice via Kranj. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

94_79_6_510_027-6_Mb1.jpg (158577 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 027-6, one of 21 multi-system FLIRT delivered 2021 by Stadler to Slovenske železnice. Equipped for international services to Austria and Croatia but currently only approved for Slovenia. Maribor, 2022-04-15.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_027-6_Mb2.jpg (162489 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 027-6. First class only has 12 seats behind the windows left of this entrance door. Maribor, 2022-04-15.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_027-6_Mb3.jpg (158714 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 027-6. Side view. Maribor, 2022-04-15.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_027-6_Mb4.jpg (158253 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 027-6. The pantographs are on the middle cars, one car with two DC pantographs, one car with two AC pantographs. Maribor, 2022-04-15.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_027-6_Mb5.jpg (161346 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 027-6, taking a long pause for interior cleaning on track 1. Maribor, 2022-04-15.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_033-4_G1.jpg (155419 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 034-2 (Stadler 2021) arrived as MV 156 Ljubljana - Graz (first regular use of multi-system FLIRT on this line) and will depart in the other direction as MV 155 back to Ljubljana.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_033-4_G2.jpg (160011 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 033-4 (Stadler 2021) arrived as MV 156 Ljubljana - Graz (first regular use of multi-system FLIRT on this line) and will depart in the other direction as MV 155 back to Ljubljana.

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_034-2_G1.jpg (160139 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 034-2 (Stadler 2021) arriving as MV 156 Ljubljana - Graz (first regular use of multi-system FLIRT on this line).

Graz Hbf, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

94_79_6_510_034-2_Sd1.jpg (158890 bytes)

SLO-SŽ 94 79 6 510 033-4 (Stadler 2021), MV 155 Graz - Ljubljana, leaving the station towards Slovenia after having changed over from the Austrian system, now with narrow DC pantograph raised.

Spielfeld-Strass, 2024-03-21.

tobias b köhler

A_2_EMUs_of_class_510_at_railway_station_Ljubljana_using_a_passenger_trains_05_09_2022.jpg (98865 bytes)

An 2 EMUs Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) of class 510 at railway station Ljubljana , using a passenger trains. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_2_EMUs_of_class_510_at_railway_station_Zidani_Most_using_a_passenger_trains_05_09_2022.jpg (160995 bytes)

One to another at railway station Zidani Most are standing 510 033 , using a LP 2008 from Lujbljana to Maribor and 510 012 (both owned by SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways), using a LP 2805 from Maribor to Dobova. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_view_from_EMU_of_class_510_at_railway_station_Ljubljana___after_using_a_passsenger_train1_04_09_2022.jpg (116085 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) of class 510 at railway station Ljubljana using a LP 2002 to Maribor via Celje. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_view_from_EMU_of_class_510_at_railway_station_Ljubljana___after_using_a_passsenger_train1_05_09_2022.jpg (85672 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) of class 510 at railway station Ljubljana using a LP 2002 to Maribor via Celje. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

A_view_from_EMU_of_class_510_at_railway_station_Ljubljana___after_using_a_passsenger_train_04_09_2022.jpg (158087 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) of class 510 at railway station Ljubljana using a LP 2002 to Maribor via Celje. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

An_EMU_of_class_510_of_SZ_at_railway_station_Ljubljana__usng_a_passenger_train2_05_09_2022.jpg (138434 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) with number 510 021 at railway station Ljubljana after using a passenger train. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

An_EMU_of_class_510_of_SZ_at_railway_station_Ljubljana__usng_a_passenger_train_05_09_2022.jpg (134275 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) of class 510 at railway station Ljubljana using a LP 2002 to Maribor via Celje. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

An_EMU_of_class_510_of_SZ_at_railway_station_Maribor__usng_a_passenger_train_05_09_2022.jpg (126085 bytes)

An EMU Stadler Flirt of SZ ( Slovenske Zeleznice / Slovenian Railways) of class 510 at railway station Maribor using a LPV 2805 to Dobova. You can see my website:

Digital photo Veselin Malinov , e-mail:

SZ_510008_Ljubljana.jpg (151736 bytes)

SZ - Slovenia
Brand new electric trainset "FLIRT 3" nr. 510-008 is seen in Ljubljana.
Ljubljana, 11-08-2021

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

SZ_510015_Ljubljana.jpg (151799 bytes)

SZ - Slovenia
Brand new electric trainset "FLIRT 3" nr. 510-015 is seen in Ljubljana.
Ljubljana, 10-08-2021

Digital photo by Marco van Uden
