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The Picture Gallery

(formerly European Railway Picture Gallery)

On Tue Mar 8 21:41:22 CET 2005, the gallery contained 10 pictures in 11 directories.

Welcome to the Picture Gallery. Commercial use of the pictures is forbidden, please consult the photographers for more information. Uploading instructions for new pictures can be found at the end of this file. New pictures are always welcome!

The pictures.

The complete directory index.

We want YOUR pictures!

If you want to make a contribution to the Picture Gallery, please upload to:
(if you use a WWW browser for uploading, you can simply follow this link, and then use the appropriate functionality of your browser to upload your files).

If your software offers the possibility, then please upload pictures in binary mode, text files in text (ascii) mode. With a typical text-based ftp client (as an alternative to a WWW browser), this is done following these steps:

  1. ftp (login as 'ftp', give your e-mail address as password)
  2. cd pub/incoming
  3. bin
  4. mput ....... (picture files)
  5. asc
  6. mput ....... (text files)
  7. bye (close connection)
(If you are connecting from a Unix-like system, or if you have saved your text files with Unix-style line breaks, you can just upload everything in binary mode. If you don't have the option to use text mode, then binary is the default anyway, and you can just use that - the text mode is not really essential.)

Until further notice, please continue to use the ftp server at for uploading. A new arrangement for uploading directly to is under development.

File names should ideally be short but descriptive, and be composed of the following characters (excluding blanks):

0-9 A-Z a-z - + _ , .
Everything else can usually be handled as well but gets awkward or causes additional work.

Please upload your picture files in JPEG format, and please do not use so-called progressive JPEGs, as our software generating the small preview pictures can't handle these. GIF files are also possible, but not recommended, as scanned photographs generally turn out larger in this format.

Please do not create subdirectories in the "incoming" directory, as this causes additional work for the administrators (it becomes awkward to remove these directories again).

Picture files should not exceed 150 kB in size (some older pictures in the picture gallery which are larger than this notwithstanding). As an approximate rule of thumb, 1000 x 800 pixels is enough for a picture to be viewed on-screen (but less is also fine!). The compression feature of the JPEG file format (may be called differently by your software) can also be used to reduce file size without a loss of quality visible to the human eye.

Please include a short .txt file (in plain text format) for every picture (with the same base name, but the extension .txt in place of .jpg or .gif - see here for an explanation what this may mean on a Windows system with hidden file name extensions) with some information about the photo and name of the photographer. Plain 7-bit ASCII (US-ASCII, ISO 646) text is sufficient, ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) eight-bit characters or HTML entity codes like &uuml; can be used too, also HTML tags like <P> for paragraphs and <BR> for line breaks (please notice that line breaks are otherwise not recognized in HTML). Please do not submit files in MS Word, RTF or full HTML format.

Here is a simple example:

ABC locomotive 123 456 with a local train, leaving station Anyplace 
for Somewhere Else.

Photo by J. Random User (
If you're interested in more details on what can be put into a .txt file, see the instructions on writing text files for the Picture Gallery.

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