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Last update: Tue 18 Feb 18:40:17 GMT 2025
Pictures on this page: 35



000_eurailSpeed2005_Logo.jpg (97442 bytes)

5th World Congress & Exhibition on High Speed Rail in Milan.

Photo by Marianna Lopizzo/Stefano Bertolotti email: Complete eurailSpeed 2005 photo coverage at Flickr

001_eurailSpeed2005_Entranc.jpg (130190 bytes)

Milano Porta Garibaldi Train Display main entrance.

Photo by Marianna Lopizzo/Stefano Bertolotti email: Complete eurailSpeed 2005 photo coverage at Flickr

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Savona (Italia), 17.12.2006 - Ex ferrovia Genova-Savona: la vecchia sede, oltrepassato il Rio Termine, proseguiva verso l'abitato di Albisola Marina.

Foto di Alfredo Grasso <>

27-05-2006-0035.jpg (62696 bytes)

View from FS local train Luino-Gallarate between Luino and Laveno-Mombello
Martin P.

27-05-2006-0037.jpg (75851 bytes)

View from FS local train Luino-Gallarate between Luino and Laveno-Mombello
Martin P.

ADRIA01.jpg (40434 bytes)

View of the Adriatic Sea from a Trieste - Venezia train

Facing west from Trieste, Italy, inside a non-air conditioned first class passenger cabin (for six people each cabin). We have just left Trieste on the way to Venezia Mestre station (where I continue on with a Eurostar to Milan).

Taken Thursday 6 August 2003

© 2003, 2006 Josh Hanz (

AGI.jpg (81734 bytes)

AGI=auto guidovie italiane.Railcar with rubber wheel operantig on the line Genova-Santuario della guardia.Digital photo

Bus_to_Sestriere.jpg (159288 bytes)

I pullman aspettano i passegeri che arrivano con i treni nella stazione di OULX-CESANA-CLAVIERE-SESTRIERE presso Torino e li porterano nei bellissimi centri sciastici: Monginevro, Cesana, Claviere and Sestriere.

The busses are waiting for the passengers arriving by trains at the station of OULX-CESANA-CLAVIERE-SESTRIERE near Turin. They will bring them to the beautiful ski centers: Monginevro, Cesana, Claviere and Sestriere.

Photo and scan: Slobodan Ilic, February 2004 (

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Particolare della catenaria, linea Siracusa-Catania, pressi Siracusa
Scalzo Antonino

Doblo_RFI_2.jpg (57479 bytes)

Un FIAT Doblò di RFI.

Foto: Roberto Galati.E-Mail:

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Linea Alessandria-Acqui nei pressi di Cantalupo.

Photo by Emanuele Rava, 27-6-2009 e-mail

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Linea Alessandria-Acqui nei pressi di Cantalupo.

Photo by Emanuele Rava, 27-6-2009 e-mail

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Linea Alessandria-Castagnole Lanze nei pressi di Cantalupo.

Photo by Emanuele Rava, 27-6-2009 e-mail

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Linea Alessandria-Castagnole Lanze nei pressi di Cantalupo.

Photo by Emanuele Rava, 27-6-2009 e-mail

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servis FS-TRENITALIA, in Trieste Cle

Foto: Miro Marolt , Datum: avgust.2005

FS_Horario_1997.jpg (40335 bytes)

FS Timetable Summer 1997 / FS Horário de Verão 1997

Photo by LUISFER ( (

FS_Publicidade_1.jpg (55271 bytes)

FS Carta Famiglia Advertising / FS Publicidade Cartão Família

Photo by LUISFER ( (

FS_Timetable_1992.jpg (101938 bytes)

FS Timetable Summer 1992 / FS Horário de Verão 1992

Photo by LUISFER - Estudos e Realizações Ferroviárias ( (

MinimetroPG.jpg (103140 bytes)

Perugia will have a mass public transport system built on highly innovative technologies (light rail) that can provide fast and efficient access to the city's strategic areas.

The "Minimetro" system will consist of 25 cars accommodating up to 50 passengers each. The cars will run on rubber wheels along a pair of steel tracks. The cars are not self-propelled. They are hooked for traction to a steel chain rope that is driven by an electric motor. In addition, because the cars run on rubber wheels, the system's noise level is below normal environmental values.

The cars move in sequence at a frequency of under a minute and for this reason, the system is "semi-continuous."

In the photo, the car presented to public, February 2004.

Photo by Michele Benda (

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There was an interesting water storage tank between Pegli and Multedo (Genoa, Italy), on the Genoa-Savona line.

Photo and scan: Alfredo Grasso <>

Nodo-GE-Crevari-1.jpg (67530 bytes)

Crevari (Genova, Italia), 11.06.2006 - Portale dell'ex tunnel sotto l'abitato di Crevari, sul vecchio tracciato ferroviario tra Voltri e Vesima, lato ovest. In questo punto l'attuale ferrovia a doppio binario si trova a monte in galleria.

Foto di Alfredo Grasso <>

Nodo-GE-Vesima-3.jpg (140012 bytes)

Genova Vesima (Italia), 30.04.2006 - Nella vista dall'alto si vede l'attuale ferrovia Savona-Genova, in direzione della fermata di Vesima, affiancare il vecchio tracciato che si scorge in basso a destra, per poi dividersi: il binario pari segue la vecchia sede e il dispari invece corre a monte.

Foto di Alfredo Grasso <>

Old_Freight_Cars_Elevator_01.jpg (152344 bytes)

Milano Centrale station of RFI

Freight cars elevator, now out of service. There were several of
these elevators to bring freigt cars into the facilities located
below the staion. Up & down movement and cars positioning were
done by wires.

Digital photo by Fabio Zecchel - 02/06/05 - Milano, Italy

P-G.jpg (119054 bytes)

2001: a wiev of the old rail mobile bridge of closed Pozzi-Ginori factory, today not operating. Its structure allowed, when it was necessary, the sailing through the Naviglio Grande channel.

Photo and scan by Alfredo Grasso <>

Pic589.jpg (111853 bytes)

Un furgoncino OM delle FS alla stazione di Bovalino(RC)...

Foto: Roberto Galati.E-Mail:

Riv.di_Levante.jpg (94827 bytes)

The train trip between Genoa and La Spezia on the Riviera Ligure/ Riviera di Levante (Ligurian Riviera/East Coast) is spectacular. The most of the time the train runs through tunnels, but on certain moments you have a spectacular view on the seashore.

Foto: Slobodan Ilic, July 2002 (
Upload: Aleksandar Salatic (

Stemma_PolFer.jpg (90462 bytes)

Lo stemma della Polizia Ferroviaria Italiana.

Foto: Roberto Galati.E-Mail:

agave-1.jpg (84840 bytes)

L'agave vista dalla ferrovia Genova - La Spezia.

Foto e scan: Slobodan Ilic, estate 2003 (

agave-2.jpg (59944 bytes)

L'agave vista dalla ferrovia Genova - La Spezia.

Foto e scan: Slobodan Ilic, estate 2003 (

colle3.jpg (64737 bytes)

A service building along the Poggibonsi-Colle railway, the "DUX" word is an invocation to Benito Mussolini (1997)

Photo and scan by Gabbani Valerio

fs_bologna.jpg (115221 bytes)

FS - Italy
Overview of the workshops of the FS in Bologna. The workshop is located on the main line between Bologna and Modena, although the Poretta Terme - Bologna local line has already joined the main line at this point.
Bologna(I) - 24/11/2000

Digital photo by Marco van Uden

modeler-paradise.jpg (21681 bytes)

Photo taken on may 1989 by Leonardo boselli

modeler-paradise1.jpg (30883 bytes)

This picture is the image of modeler paradise: It is a section of line, althought of 950 mm gauge, that would fit under H0 in 2mx6 and would contain a FULL track with the possibility of continuous run. The line is closed since a lot of years, so high grasses, but if you look at the catenary poles you will see that the line loop on itsef since the station is off the main line so the tains entered in the stion, then in the loop to regain the line passing again on a section of about 100 m of trak. Since at the connection was possible to bypass the stotion, here another triangle ...

if you want to see look at a map around the present Zagarolo station (the loops are very thight, so use a very detailed mab).

Photo taken on may 1989 by Leonardo boselli

pecora-il.jpg (41214 bytes)

These sheeps are pasturing along the old Osteria del Finocchio-Fiuggi line

Photo taken in may 1989 by Leonardo Boselli

ssepi.jpg (71288 bytes)

A mobise electric substation in move configuration (note raised down insulators on left)
Photo taken in pisa on 28/6/97 .
